Creative Activism, Alternative Ways to Spread the Truth

By, Cheri Roberts-Piper, MTR News

It’s time to get out of that activism rut you and your fellow activists have put yourselves into! There are more ways to spread Truth then standing on street corners with a bullhorn. There are many things you can do in your every day life that gets the word out in easy and potentially effective ways.

Here are just a few ways to shake things up…

Deception Dollars
I take Deception Dollars with me everywhere I go. If you crumble a Deception Dollar up and leave them in grocery stores, on shelves, at gas stations between isles, on the ground, in the park, etc. people will slyly pick them up. You can watch people pick these up and quietly pocket what they think is real money. Cool thing is all those Truth websites – chock full of information is now in their hands. Another thing I use Deception Dollars for is to toss them into open vehicle windows in parking lots. I never touch the vehicle inside or out. I merely drop them through open windows. If you have teenagers with even a tiny bit of activism in their blood, give them a stack of Deception Dollars to take to school. Their friends will think they are cool and ask for them. Deception Dollars are versatile in use because they look so real to an unassuming eye.

Pre-paid Return Envelopes
We all get these with nearly every credit card offer and utility bill etc. The ones you tend to throw away can be used instead for a great cause! How? Simply insert some Truth flyer into the pre-paid envelope, lick it and send it back to the company. Real people open those envelopes. Ask your friends and family members to save their return envelopes for you as well.

Prayer Requests
Submit a prayer request at your place of worship (whether a church, synagogue, temple, mosque, etc).
Please pray for: 9/11 Truth
Comments: Please see for more information (or whatever website you feel appropriate)

9/11 Post Cards
Stick these inside magazines in the… more here