Creative Activism, Alternative Ways to Spread the Truth

By, Cheri Roberts-Piper, MTR News

It’s time to get out of that activism rut you and your fellow activists have put yourselves into! There are more ways to spread Truth then standing on street corners with a bullhorn. There are many things you can do in your every day life that gets the word out in easy and potentially effective ways.

Here are just a few ways to shake things up…

Deception Dollars
I take Deception Dollars with me everywhere I go. If you crumble a Deception Dollar up and leave them in grocery stores, on shelves, at gas stations between isles, on the ground, in the park, etc. people will slyly pick them up. You can watch people pick these up and quietly pocket what they think is real money. Cool thing is all those Truth websites – chock full of information is now in their hands. Another thing I use Deception Dollars for is to toss them into open vehicle windows in parking lots. I never touch the vehicle inside or out. I merely drop them through open windows. If you have teenagers with even a tiny bit of activism in their blood, give them a stack of Deception Dollars to take to school. Their friends will think they are cool and ask for them. Deception Dollars are versatile in use because they look so real to an unassuming eye.

Pre-paid Return Envelopes
We all get these with nearly every credit card offer and utility bill etc. The ones you tend to throw away can be used instead for a great cause! How? Simply insert some Truth flyer into the pre-paid envelope, lick it and send it back to the company. Real people open those envelopes. Ask your friends and family members to save their return envelopes for you as well.

Prayer Requests
Submit a prayer request at your place of worship (whether a church, synagogue, temple, mosque, etc).
Please pray for: 9/11 Truth
Comments: Please see for more information (or whatever website you feel appropriate)

9/11 Post Cards
Stick these inside magazines in the… more here

Publicizing Truths with Consequence, When Great Minds Think Alike

By, Cheri Roberts-Piper MTR News

This weekend I attended the Publicizing Truths with Consequence media summit in Santa Cruz, CA representing MTR News Network; an event sponsored by Project Censored,, and Be The Media. Turnout surpassed projected expectations 3 hours into the first day of this three day conference despite a winter storm that produced relentless rain and wind. At it’s high point there were upwards of 250+ people. The organizers adapted to the overflow and hosted a great event.

A pow-wow of sorts to brainstorm and put into action a more effective means of communicating to a public in desperate need of truth and substance. The event brought together an eclectic mix of concerned citizens, activists, and community writers as well as breaking news Bloggers like Brad Friedman of The BRAD BLOG. Award winning investigative journalists David Ray Griffin, Ray McGovern, and Bob Fitrakis mingled the room with Whistleblowers like Barbara Honegger and retired FBI Special Agent Coleen Rowley. Doug Abort – a representative for the Kucinich campaign, Congressional candidate Cindy Sheehan, and Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney also attended. All speakers, sponsors and organizers made themselves accessible in order to network, creating – maybe for the first time, a chain of media professionals that run from small town USA all the way to the influentials of DC. Speaking truth to power could get a little easier.

Fellow attendees Matt Sullivan, Editor of the Rock Creek Free Press in DC and Lenny Charles of the I.N.N. World Report said it best the first day of the summit.

Matt points out that,

“We control the web, but we are not powerful in the street”.

While Lenny brings it home with,

“It’s time to think outside the browser”.

With a participant list that reads like a virtual who’s who of today’s alternative media, this summit produced an inspired new army of motivated individuals ready to take on the challenge and rise above the corporate media. The theme seemed to be we are the new mainstream media and although workshop style gatherings were a bit disorganized most seemed to understand the theme and the need to find ways to apply it in their everyday lives.

OH-D Congressman Dennis Kucinich rallied the audience via a piped in conference call the first night emphasizing that,

“Independent media is critical” and the “Last best defense our Nation has” reminding us it is our civic duty as citizens of this democracy.

Coleen Rowley, retired FBI Special Agent stressed,

“I have heard every excuse in the book” for not trying.

She concluded that train of thought with a powerful call to action voiced by two little words when she said,

“Do something!”

Breaking off into affinity groups we learned the deeper meaning of communicating by listening and the importance of real news versus mere opinion. We were coached on identifying the propaganda and told by 25 yr CIA Veteran Ray McGovern that,

“We need to sensitize our co-ctizens” and “we have to speak truth to power” and that in order to do that, we need to,

“get them to identify” with our issues “by identifying theirs”.

Other tools were offered by David Mathison of Be The Media – who spoke on building community media, providing resource ideas and tips for doing so.

As invited guests MTR News Network was privileged to conduct many on and off camera interviews from this event, including a one- on – one with Cynthia McKinney, later pairing her with her long time friend and true Patriot Ray McGovern – who we learned is being treated for lymphoma and will be beginning chemo therapy soon. Stay tuned…

6 Easy Ways to Save Money When You’re Worried About a Recession

By, Cheri Roberts-Piper MTR News

Save after the pump
Gas mileage drops as your speed increases. Drive the speed limit and you will save money and possibly lives. Every 5mph over 60mph you drive is like paying an extra dime a gallon, or more.

Bag it
Commit to bringing your lunch to work instead of eating out. Even if you eat lunch off the dollar menu every day chances are you are still spending at least three bucks a day, over a years time that adds up to almost $1,100.

3-way save
Lose that health club membership. You don’t need to go to a gym to exercise or work out. You can get an effective workout in your own home or neighborhood and if necessary, one time purchases on simple equipment will still allow you to save considerably over the years on membership fees not to mention the money you save in gas and time.

Check it out
Instead of buying books or renting movies, borrow them from the library, friends or family.

No charge
Use cash instead of credit. If you don’t have enough cash then you can’t have it. Use credit cards only for emergencies from here on out.

Time for change
Save your change in one place. Don’t lay change here and there around your home or vehicle. Instead have a jar in your entryway, bathroom or bedroom where you can drop your change at the end of the day. Commit to taking the jar and depositing the saved change into your savings acct once a month. It adds up, believe me.

Adding By Subtracting

By, Cheri Roberts-Piper MTR NewsOne thing the other side does most effectively is to frame how they portray the Truth Movement deciding what our soundbyte will be and then they repeat it, over and over. That’s a typical marketing maneuver, frequency sells. The more time someone hear/sees something, the more likely that something will be ingrained in their mind as fact. The other side also takes bits and pieces of still disputable data from our message and highlights it to make us less credible.

For instance, let’s take Larry Silverstien and his controversial “pull it” statement. Of course I and many like myself believe he is indeed saying “Pull it” defined by controlled demolition, but because we cannot – beyond a reasonable doubt, prove that to be true, it can sometimes make our message less credible when we use it. The absolute best and irrefutable evidence we have for an inside job is the fact that no plane – or anything else hit World Trade Center 7. There was no jet fuel, there was minimal fire, and there is still no report as promised by the 911 Commission. Since the official hypothesis for the collapses – of WTC’s 1 & 2, are do to jet fuel fires, let’s run with that regarding WTC7. Why do we need to grasp onto and project the more circumstantial evidence of a statement when we have physical evidence of the crime?

The above is strong enough evidence for a new investigation and that needs to be acknowledged by the American people. The rest of the world understands it, what’s stopping mainstream America from understanding it? I really think it goes back to that marketing maneuver I was talking about.

We need to drop the more controversial and circumstantial aspects of our repertoire in the language we use. In doing so we give them only solid facts to debate us with. Who cares if Silverstien said, “Pull it” when we can’t definitively prove it? They care, and they use it against us as if we are grasping at straws of evidence. We don’t need to grasp at straws. We have Truth and WTC7 on our side. We need to use the same marketing ploys they do. We need to unify the message, trim the fat from the edges and repeat the message over and over. By subtracting the easily debatable stuff, we add to our credibility as a movement.

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